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Movie Quotes

The Birds Quote(s)

Quote: Mitch, this isn't unusual, is it?
Quote: They're coming! They're coming!
Quote: Don't they ever stop migrating?
Quote: Miss Daniels brought us some birds from San Francisco.
Quote: There's a lot of spare time in Bodega Bay.
Quote: --Bodega Bay. Where's that?
--Up the coast, about 60 miles north of here.
Quote: --What is it you're looking for, sir?
Quote: He's got a client who shot his wife in the head six times. Six times, can you imagine it? I mean, even twice would be overdoing it, don't you think?
Quote: It's the end of the world
Quote: Melanie: On Mondays and Wednesdays I work for the Travelers Aid at the airport.
Mitch: Helping travelers?
Melanie: No, misdirecting them.
Quote: Mitch: What do you want?
Melanie: I thought you knew. I want to go throughout life jumping into fountains naked.

Quote: Look at that man! He's lighting a cigar!
Quote: I'm neither poor nor innocent.
Quote: He's got a client who shot his wife in the head six times. Six times?
Can you imagine it? I mean, even twice would be overdoing it, don't you think?
Quote: That's the damndest thing I ever saw! I don't know, it seemed to swoop down at you deliberately!
Quote: Oh, I don't give a damn what you believe.

The quotes above are distinct quotations from the associated movie.

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